The Dutch architecture firm claimed that they "never intended to design a project looking like an exploding building, why on earth would we?"
Although the architects did apologize, I was most definitely disturbed by the proposal and the fact that the architects said: "looking like an exploding building". The twin towers are not just exploding buildings. They are the buildings that stole thousands of lives, and marked one the most dreadful days in United States history. I am not offended because the building looks like it's exploding; I am offended because the complex is a reminder of a horrific attack on our home soil.
One might argue that not only did the firm do this unintentionally (allegedly), but this is a building planned to be built in South Korea. How much say to do we really have?
I find this to be an outrage, even if it plans to go up halfway around the world. If someone planned to build a structure that looked like the Auschwitz sign commemorating the Holocaus, would it be the same idea?
I'd really like hear your thoughts on this. Let this building rise or stop it before it starts?