Monday, March 12, 2012

Let's Party: Project X

This past weekend I went out with a few of my friends to see Project X, a new movie about how a "small get together" turns into one of the craziest parties in history.
This movie is rated R for "crude and sexual content throughout, nudity, drugs, drinking, pervasive language, reckless behavior and mayhem- all involving teens", and I can tell you that all of that and more was present in this flim. Although I like to think that I rarely engage in "reckless behavior", this movie did a very good job of persuading the average viewer that this insanely unsafe and wild party was actually fun.

As seen in the trailer, this movie appeals to a younger crowd; attractive actors, loud music, illegal substances, and sexual content tells the audience to envy this careless and out of control lifestyle. Just as mentioned in the rating, almost everything about this movie is "crude" because crude humor is funny. Although the party thrower, Thomas Kub, ends up destorying his nieghborhood with multiple arrests, I left the movie wishing I was at that party.
The question I'm wondering is why? Why do Americans find crude humor funny? And why do we love to party, drink, have sex, and engage in "reckless behavior"?

Movies, music, books, magazines, and TV have all glorified getting drunk and having a crazy night at one point or another. Now don't think I'm trying to ban partying becasue I'd be lying if I said it didn't look fun, but why have we taught the upcoming generation that this is what fun looks like? What things have influenced me to make me envy (to some extent) this behavior?

1 comment:

  1. If you take a look at some of the pop-music videos that are coming out now a day, and consider how the media tries to make everyone idealize the celebrities and musicians of the day, it's not difficult to believe how a movie like Project X could do so well. And it's not just music videos, it's shows like Jersey Shore, or a some like I'm Sexy and I Know It. What do you think caused us to be so attracted to these types of shows and songs that allows them to do so well?
